

Mullet the perfect substitute Although I have a dirty “harbour fish” reputation, the mullet that you buy from your fishmonger comes from offshore fisheries. Chelon labrosus or other grey mullet species (Mugil spp. or Liza spp.) What I eat I eat algae, aquatic plants...


Rabbitfish a new alternative Rabbitfish are also known as dusky (S. luridus) and marbled (S. rivulatus) spinefoot. Dusky and marbled describe the patterned appearance of their grey-green to light-brown to yellow backs; spinefoot refers to their dorsal fins which...


Pangasius   De omstandigheden waarin pangasius gekweekt wordt, zijn jammer genoeg vaak niet duurzaam. Pangasius bocourti, P. hypophthlamus Wat eet ik Ik ben een omnivoor, dus ik eet zowat alles. Algen, planten, zoöplankton, insecten en zelfs schaaldieren en vis...


Mussels the ocean’s filter In the Mediterranean, I’m farm-raised on suspended ropes to keep me off the sea floor and prevent habitat destruction. Mytilus galloprovincialis What I eat I filter the water around me, so I’m a perfect marine ecosystem cleaner. Where I’m...
The caramote prawn

The caramote prawn

The caramote prawn king of the crustaceans My brain, stomach, heart, “liver” (hepatopancreas) and gonads (reproductive glands or sex glands) are all found in my head, also called cephalothorax. Penaeus kerathurus What I eat I’m an active predator with an...

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